Captial-growth investment business platform
- 17 Dec, 2020
* -CAPTlAL-GROWTH INVESTMENT Company limited was registered in UNITED KINGDOM on march 10,2012. and started function in October. 7,2015, It has four (4) investment plans that are_ * * _ STARTING PLAN_ **_STARTERS_PLAN_* * _2.5% daily for 5DAYS_ * _ Minimum deposit: $50_ * _ Maximum deposit: $499_*_Principal_included_* * _ STANDARD _PLAN_ * * _4.5% daily for 5DAYS_ * _ Minimum deposit: $500_ * _ Maximum deposit: $999_*_Principal_included_* * _ PREMIUM_PLAN_ ** _ 10% daily for 3DAYS_* * _ Minimum…
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