Aguho Singles - Free Cupid Dating in Philippines

Here are single women and men who recently logged in or registered at this Australian cupid dating site resided in Aguho of Philippines. To view and chat cupid singles at Aguho, please click on each profile below and send them a message. If you have not signed up yet then please click on Sign up button above.

Kayjie, 19920101, Aguho, Central Visayas, Philippines
Aguho, Central Visayas, Philippines
Living situation:
Love is patient and kind
About yourself:
Shy fun, family oriented
Looking for:

Sweet guy with a big heart. Doesn't have to be rich to make a woman happy.. All you need to do is treat her right. Passionate and romantic man. Doesn't have to buy me expensive flowers or gift. Affection is the key to a womans heart. I want a deep connection with someone..emotionally, physically and mentally.
In this generation, people just wanna have a minutes of fun, having sex here and there one night stand with different people and to each his own as they said.. But I want more than that. I want someone not just for sexual needs. I believe sex is great if youre connected to that person. I want someone to BUILD something with. A happy and enjoyable, meaningful relationship. Like the old relationship/marriage ways where they stayed through thick and thin. EQUALLY YOKED. Lifes not perfect and it will never be but its very good to know you have somebody you walk with in the journey of life.
A man who wants to have a kid/s of his own and a little family in the FUTURE.

I know your out there, somewhere :)

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